SOS iOS App (Moodle)

Steps to install and use SOS iOS App (Moodle):

  1. Click the following link to install the app from Apple/iOS Play Store:

  2. Step 1 Image

  3. Open the app and type in and click on "Connect to your site".

    Step 2 1st Image

    Step 2 2nd Image

  4. Type in your email/username and password to login to SOS (SelfOnlineStudy). If you have created/activated your account using Google login, you can click on the "Google" button to login and then can select the registered google account to login.

    Step 3 1st Image

    Step 3 2nd Image

  5. Once logged in you can access your enrolled course/courses.

    Step 4 Image

NOTE: All students can enroll and access the FREE DEMO Course (PCMB) to test out the functionality and structure of our courses.